
  • yuki.wada@justlegal.co.jp

  • 03-5005-0604

  • linkedin

Yuki Wada

Practice Areas:

Financial Services, Compliance

After joining in 2016, Yuki has been focusing on providing advice to the lawyers and compliance officers in the financial industry. He is the Lead Consultant of the finance sector and regularly exchanges information with General Counsel, CLO, CCO, Head of Legal/Compliance from a wide range of foreign/Japanese financial institutions.

While Yuki has a track record of placing individuals in positions ranging from executive and department head levels to mid-level positions, he also assists young professionals in building their careers from an early stage, based on long-term relationships. His priority is to think flexibly, provide more options to both candidates and companies, and strive to create connections between the two that they can only attribute to our company.

Before joining Just Legal, he had multiple career changes in sales, and he recognizes that aligning the company’s vision with the candidate’s mindset is crucial in career transitions. Additionally, he specializes in understanding the history and current vision of legal and compliance departments of various financial institutions and presenting opportunities that align with candidate’s desires and career plans.

Yuki studied abroad in New Zealand and is proficient in English.